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-- 5 -- Politicians and Elections

Elections, a critical centerpiece of any democracy, describes a function of governemtn by which the wider, general public cast their votes to determine the future of the country’s leadership. Within the United States, elections take many forms, and are visible from local to state to national levels. Nationally, representatives to the senate bodies are elected in midterms, parties hold primaries, and once their terms end, Presidents can be challenged or succeeded in the General Election. Among the ever-present landscape of national politics, elections, being major political events, garner widespread attention and audience and large amounts of money are pooled into campaigns. This near festive-like quality renders elections a critical crossroads in US politics, a time where leaders are created and broken. This time of change also impacts citizens, with many rekindling an active interest in politics or policies which they support, leaders to back, or issues to press. Elections,

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