-- 3 -- JFK and Democratic Party | Parties in Politics

The Political Party of discussion in this post is the US Democratic Party, a longstanding half to the ever-present bi-partisan history of our Country. Over the decades, this party has placed 13 presidents and has wielded significant influence over the poltical landscape of the US, and has itself manifested differently as national circumstances changed. The current platform of the Democratic Party is based on equality and welfare for minorities and the middle class, along with action on Climate Change.The following is the link to the current Democratic Party Platform, the current policy-based agenda of the party: https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/

The document outlines all of the goals and directions of the party, including economic plans, immigration, equality, education, and Climate Change. Focused on combating the current Republican Trump Administration, the Democratic Party bases its platform on the drive to change the direction of the Country by the next election, and target mostly Liberal or moderate leaning voters. As the current opposition party in the perpetual bi-partisan history of the US, the Democratic party relies on voter woes and disenfranchisement to secure support. 

John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, serving from 1960 to 1963, was a Democrat Party member and a leader who left a deep mark on the American People and the nation overall. In a time where domestic and international beliefs and circumstances were much different, JFK served as a solid anchor for the American people in particular and exemplified the role of President as a visionary, peace-maker, source of inspiration, and advocate for eventual Civil Rights. Upon his assassination in 1963, his approval ratings were record high, and the wave of momentum he built would come to sweep the Civil Rights act onto the national stage a year later. 

One of JFK’s stirring speeches, his televised national address on Civil Rights, is as follows: https://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/historic-speeches/televised-address-to-the-nation-on-civil-rights. After outlining key discrepancies in American Society, he urges the American people to realize the magnitude of the disparity and support the government and colored people in the passing of Civil Rights legislation aimed at rectifying damaging policies of segregation. As a leader who enjoyed high ratings at home, while facing massive pressure abroad, Kennedy was able to recognize and act on an extremely divisive aspect of American Society and push legislation, while at the same time risking that popularity and legislating ability that had already made him such an effective leader. 

When comparing this piece of American History to the Democratic Party platform today, one can clearly identify the similarities and connections between JFK’s arguments and the current discourse. Despite this, however, the current political atmosphere is far removed from that in 1963, and the Democratic Party of today has agendas that are motivated albeit on the same principles and goals, but with different means. In the end, it is clear that as times change, so do the caliber of politician and the parties that support them. As issues develop and fester, different policy goals are cemented, and party platforms set the stage for politicians focused on rectofying them. As people focus on issues more relevant or important ot them, politicians strive to find middle ground and solutions acceptable to all. In the end, both political patries and the politicans they endorse greatly impact politics and how citizens view it by categorizing movements and political agendas into coalitions which the people in turn look towards for their interests in the future direction of the country.


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